Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Why this scalp so quickly?

Some people seem to think that there might actually be some honour left in the Labour party - sorry I just wonder if it is to stop any questions about the AG's role in the Crown Law report to the police (that never showed up) regarding the pledge card activities:

...but there appears to be agreement that unless police begin prosecutions today, it will be too late.
But police say they are waiting for advice from Crown Law – and Crown Law says its report is a week away.

I would have paid more attention to this at the time if I hadn't been ignorant of the fact that one of the top officials is a Govt MP...

[edit]National says public confidence in the police and Crown Law will be corroded if Labour gets off on a technicality after using taxpayer funds to promote its pledge card during the 2005 election campaign.
I quite like this quote in the context as well :-)[/edit]

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