Monday, December 09, 2013

Advertorial - where are you getting your traffic from?

So you think you've got the source of all your business nailed through those spiffy Google Analytics statistics?

The issue is you've still got a pretty big hole between someone clicking on your Adwords or your site - and who it is that actually calls you. And when those Adwords clicks are costing between $1 and $10 a pop you rally want to know who did more than just browse for a bit right? And that doesn't begin to look at how do you feed that offline conversion goodie in Analytics - because even Google is admitting that for the non e-commerce driven sites out there the website stats really don't tell much of the actual picture.

 Enter call tracking - a commonplace technique overseas but one that has only been sporadically used in a New Zealand context due to the high costs of entry with an 0800 number the only practical solution. Digital players are now changing this telco controlled market however, and now you can start assessing not only what campaigns are leading to your calls, but where those calls are originating from as well as when. And all starting for only $10 a month including usage if it's not for you it's because you're not really running a business